Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (2024)

You’ve seen these lovely white flowers before—even if you didn’t know their name. Queen Anne’s lace grows in the wild across the continental United States, from May till October. For this reason it’s known as an American classic. Its scientific name is Daucus carota but it is sometimes referred to as wild carrot or bishop’s lace. It’s also known as bee’s nest or bird’s nest flower because the stems curl upward and form a cup-shaped basket that looks like a nest as its flowers ripen and form seeds Whichever name you prefer, this wild cousin of the carrot has an interesting history steeped in legend and lore. Read on.

Queen Anne’s Lace Legends and Lore

How did Queen Anne’s Lace get its name? You probably guessed that it has to do with Queen Anne, but like most tales and legends surrounding flowers, there are many.

One tale claims that the origin of the name “Queen Anne’s lace” comes from the lace that was popular during the days of King James I and his wife, Queen Anne, who lived between 1574 and 1619. Another states that the name comes from her headdress, which was lacy enough that it resembled the tightly-knit showy white flowers.

Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (1)

But historians claim it’s more likely that any legends associated with the flower actually refer to Queen Anne II, who lived between 1665 and 1714. She had only one surviving child in all of her 18 pregnancies. Because of that fact, the flower is often associated with the loss of children.

Some believe the flower got its name because while Queen Anne II was tatting white lace, she pricked her finger with the tatting needle, causing a drop of blood to fall on the lace. This is why the white flowers have dark red flowers in the center.

In the 18th century, English courtiers referred to this flower as “living lace.” According to this legend, the “living lace” name came from a contest that the second Queen Anne II hosted for her ladies-in-waiting. She challenged them to produce a piece of lace as delicate and beautiful as the flower—but none could make lace that could outshine the real thing.

Queen Anne’s Lace Symbolism

Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (2)

As with many flowers, Queen Anne’s Lace has its own unique symbolism and meaning. Because Queen Anne’s Lace features delicate, lace-like flowers, it is associated with beauty, and many women added the flower to their baths in hopes of attracting love.

Because the flower is sometimes referred to as “bishop’s flower,” it symbolizes safety, sanctuary, and refuge. Although another interpretation is due to the flower’s resemblance to a bird’s nest when it goes to seed—it then becomes the perfect symbol of the sanctuary of a happy home.

Queen Anne’s Lace and Carrots: Are They Related?

This plant gets the “wild carrot” name for a good reason. Queen Anne’s Lace and the carrots we eat today are related. The flower produces a carrot-like taproot, and in fact, modern (and much more delicious) carrots were originally developed from Queen Anne’s Lace; they were simply bred to produce a tastier root. Both carry the scientific name Daucus carota, though Queen Anne’s Lace is considered the “feral” version of the plant while today’s carrots are considered selectively bred cousins.

Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (3)

If you’ve ever picked the flowers of Queen Anne’s Lace, you’ve probably noticed a very carroty smell on your hands. And that large, starchy root certainly looks and smells like a carrot. But unlike carrots growing in your garden, a Queen Anne’s Lace “carrot” is a pale yellowish-white shade. You can eat it, but it’s not very tasty. The roots tend to be tough and stringy and if you choose to give them a try, they must be harvested early in the year. By the time the flowers bloom, the root becomes much too woody to eat.

Queen Anne’s Lace As Medicine?

Queen Anne’s Lace also has a history of medicinal use.* More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates prescribed crushed Queen Anne’s Lace seeds to prevent pregnancies. Modern research today suggests that there may have been some merit to this, so it is recommended that women who are pregnant or hoping to conceive should avoid both the flower heads and seeds.

Over the years, this flower has also had a variety of other uses. Herbalists historically used it as an antiseptic, to soothe the digestive tract, and as a diuretic. Others grated the root of Queen Anne’s lace and mixed it with oil to calm topical burns.

Consuming the purple bloom in the center of the flower was once believed to cure epilepsy.

Queen Anne’s lace flowers may also be used to make a natural pale yellow dye.

*This information is not intended as medical advice.

Watch Out For These Queen Anne’s Lace and Lookalikes!

If you’re planning to pick Queen Anne’s Lace, learning to identify the lookalikes is crucial because some of them are dangerous. The most common lookalikes you’ll find in the wild are:

  • Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
  • Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L.)
  • Cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris).

Both poison hemlock and giant hogweed are poisonous to humans, pets, and livestock when ingested. It’s best to avoid cow parsley as well.

Giant hogweed and cow parsley also have a sap inside the leaves and stalks that causes burns to the skin. Additionally, even touching the poison hemlock plant may cause a skin reaction in some people.

So how do you tell the difference? Here are some tips:

1. Check the flowers

If the plant is in bloom, the flowerhead will be a sure indicator. Queen Anne’s Lace flowerheads are tightly packed with lots of tiny white flowers—and sometimes a dark red or purple one in the center. The flowerhead is also always cup-shaped like an umbrella turned inside out. Giant hogweed flowers look very similar to this, but the flower heads are in reverse—dished outward rather than inward. Both poison hemlock and cow parsley do bloom with tiny white flowers, but the flowerheads are sparse and fragmented rather than tight clusters.

2. Look at the leaves

Queen Anne’s Lace has ferny leaves, just like a carrot plant, with a hairy underside. If you rub them, the scent will be similar to carrots or parsley. Poison hemlock has larger leaves, and they’re shiny without small hairs, while giant hogweed has large leaves with coarse hairs on the underside.

3. Examine the stems

Queen Anne’s Lace stems will sport fine white hairs, and they’ll be a uniform shade—no purple spots. Both poison hemlock and giant hogweed have purple spots. Hemlock has smooth, waxy stems, and giant hogweed has stems with coarse white hairs.

4. Check the plant’s height

When plants are young, height may not work so well to help you tell the difference, but late in the summer when plants are maturing, Queen Anne’s Lace will be much shorter than both poison hemlock and giant hogweed. Queen Anne’s Lace tops out at around four feet maximum while poison hemlock can grow up to eight feet, and giant hogweed can be truly giant between eight and 20 feet tall!

How To Grow Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (4)

Queen Anne’s Lace is a biennial, which means that has a two-year cycle. In the first year, the plant displays leaves and shoots. In the second year, it begins to form clusters of small white flowers, which can self pollinate or get help from bees and other pollinators. Each plant can produce up to 40,000 seeds, one for each of the tiny white flowers (but not for the dark red or purple flower, if present—this one is sterile). While flowering times vary from region to region, you can usually spot the white flowers around mid to late summer.

This flower grows in 48 states—but it’s not native to North America. It was brought here by early European settlers who grew it for medicinal purposes, and it has since spread across the country to grow wild. It’s listed as a weed rather than as a native plant, and 14 states list Queen Anne’s Lace as an invasive species. You’ll often find it growing in abandoned fields and lots, burned areas that are starting to recover, and other places where the ground has recently been disturbed.

Today, Queen Anne’s Lace is occasionally used in floral arrangements—and it’s a great flower to pick if you’re hunting wildflowers to make your own bouquet. Just take care to steer clear of the lookalikes!

Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (5)

Queen Anne’s Lace Necklace

Our Queen Anne’s lacenecklace features a real flower sealed in a pendant on aleather cord.(15″ length.)

Buy now

A great gift for your mom or a friend who loves this American classic.

Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (7)

Amber Kanuckel

Amber Kanuckel is a freelance writer from rural Ohio who loves all things outdoors. She specializes in home, garden, environmental, and green living topics.

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Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore (2024)


Queen Anne's Lace: Facts & Folklore? ›

Queen Anne's lace is said to be named after Queen Anne herself. Queen Anne was well versed in lacemaking. One day while sewing she pricked herself with a needle. A drop of blood fell unto her lace, leaving a single dark purple floret in the center of the flower.

What does the Queen Anne's lace mean spiritually? ›

Queen Anne's Lace has delicate lace-like flowers and is associated with beauty. The flower is sometimes referred to as 'bishops flower' and therefore it has become to symbolise sanctuary, safety and refuge.

What is the legend of Queen Anne's lace? ›

Legend has it that Queen Anne, the wife of King James I, was challenged by her friends to create lace as beautiful as a flower. While making the lace, she pricked her finger, and it's said that the purple-red flower in the center of Queen Anne's Lace represents a droplet of her blood.

What is a unique fact about Queen Anne's lace? ›

FUN FACT. One out of every four Queen Anne's Lace plants has a chance of developing a single, purple flower in the center of the plant. This is called the "fairy-seat."

What is the folklore about wild carrots? ›

Folklore Associated with Wild Carrot

In ancient Scotland, Wild Carrots were dug up in late September in honour of St Michael, patron saint of the sea. Wild Carrot was also symbolic of fertility. On the Sunday before St Michael's Day, the women would dig up the carrots, singing special songs.

What happens when you touch Queen Anne's lace? ›

Queen Anne's Lace

It typically grows 2 feet to 3 feet tall, and its stems are lightly fuzzy with small grooves. Coming into contact with Queen Anne's lace will not cause a problem for many people, but those with sensitive skin may develop irritation or blistering, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

What does Queen Anne's lace attract? ›

Queen Anne's Lace is of somewhat more importance to selected insects. Its nectar and pollen attracts small bees, wasps, flies, and beetles. A number of insects feed on the foliage and roots.

Why is Queen Anne's revenge? ›

In the case of Blackbeard, the name was chosen because of his Jacobite beliefs; the Queen Anne's Revenge was a nod to the displaced Queen Anne in England who had been replaced by a Hanoverian heir. Blackbeard supported the Jacobites' cause: to reinstate her and her line to the British throne.

What was the quote about Queen Anne's lace? ›

Her body is not so white as anemone petals nor so smooth—nor so remote a thing. It is a field of the wild carrot taking the field by force; the grass does not raise above it. Here is no question of whiteness, white as can be, with a purple mole at the center of each flower.

Is Queen Anne's lace good for anything? ›

Digestive Benefits of Queen Anne's Lace: Daucus carota

Not only will it give your food a mild pepper flavor, but it may help you from experiencing gastrointestinal upset afterward as well. It is best to add seeds in the last 10-15 minutes or so of cooking and to cover the cooking vessel with a lid.

Why is Queen Anne's lace a problem? ›

Queen Anne's (Daucus carota) lace may have arrived in the U.S. as a seed contaminant in grain and through planting in gardens. It invades disturbed dry prairies, abandoned fields, waste places, and roadsides. Queen Anne's lace is a threat to recovering grasslands.

Can you touch Queen Anne's lace? ›

And honestly, for most of you, coming in contact with Queen Anne's Lace will not affect you in the least. However, for others, this beautiful, lacy weed will make you wish you only had Poison Oak and Poodle Dog at the same time.

What does the Queen Anne's lace tattoo mean? ›

This flower is said to represent the labor of love, and the beauty that lies in its serenity. Queen Anne's lace symbolizes sanctuary, dreams, and protection.

Can you eat Queen Anne's lace? ›

Also known as wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace is a fragrant, edible, and aesthetically pleasing plant.

What's the difference between Queen Anne's lace and wild carrot? ›

Queen Anne's lace, also known as wild carrot, is a wildflower herb found in many parts of the US, yet it is originally from Europe. While most places now consider this plant an invasive weed, it can actually be an attractive addition to your home wildflower garden.

How do you get rid of Queen Anne's lace? ›

Hand-pulling or mowing can be effective to control Queen Anne's lace in the mid- to late summer before seed set. However, herbicide applications have proven the most effective method of control. Foliar treatments of TerraVue herbicide, at only 2.85 ounces per acre, has delivered 99% control in trials on wild carrot.

What are the healing properties of Queen Anne's lace? ›

Queen Anne's lace infusions are often used by those with kidney and bladder infections, cystitis, and gout (Hoffman, 2003) to flush toxins from the body. Some herbalists even suggest Queen Anne's lace infusions for clients with arthritis for this same reason.

What is the black dot in the middle of Queen Anne's lace? ›

A common story of the origin of the name involves Queen Anne of Britain. The lacey white umbel of a Queen Anne's lace flower usually has a dark purple spot in the center, purportedly representing the drop of blood that fell when the queen, an accomplished lace-maker pricked her finger.

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